Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Do Prisons Work essays

Do Prisons Work essays Prison life is mostly a continuous repetition of the same day, over and over again. Finding a purpose and a meaning beyond "punishment" can be a struggle. Often people are not in prison long enough to discover anything worthwhile beyond a new set of criminal alliances. Or people end up inside for so long that any good that might have been achieved along the way is undermined by bitterness and resentment. Prisons are the most shaming of all our public institutions. The United Kingdom imprisons more of its people than virtually any other country in Western Europe - in conditions, which are frequently an affront to civilized values, and at great cost to the taxpayers. Yet the vast majority of our prisoners do not present a serious threat to life or limb. Their crimes are such that they can be more humanely, economically and effectively dealt with in the community. Nevertheless, many consider imprisonment to be the punishment of choice. They feel that when the offender is jailed, justi ce is served. The paradox of imprisonment lies in society's expectations: the community wants retribution, as well as rehabilitation. Interestingly, for many, sending people to prison is not enough; they insist that offenders must suffer while they are in prison. But only somebody who has never been to prison would believe that jails are "soft" places. But the truth is that the harsher a prisoner feels himself to have been treated, the less of an obligation he will feel to abide by society's rules, and the more likely new victims will be created after his release. Official figures speak for themselves - more than half of prisoners re-offend within two years of release (Mathiesen 1990). Prison is designed for disempowerment. Everyone in jail is vulnerable to a greater or lesser extent. Prisoners live at the mercy of those who are in charge, and of each other, and dignity is a scarce commodity. There are various problems in prisons: sexual assault of...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How Do You Address Your Professional Background in a Job Search

How Do You Address Your Professional Background in a Job Search You might see the phrase â€Å"professional background† popping up now and then in your job search, but what does it mean? The quickest summary is that they’re asking for your  work history. But you shouldn’t stop there–no one really wants a dry list of previous employers. When a hiring manager wants to hear about your  Ã¢â‚¬Å"professional background,† they are looking to learn about your performance and history in your current and past professions.Where Should You Put It?The best place to share this information is perhaps at the top of your resume, in a summary of your qualifications or a career profile- both much more effective than the outmoded â€Å"Objective† section. With each job you apply for, make sure you’ve made a convincing map of your skills and experience as matching the requirements for the job.On a resume, the best way to format your work history and professional accomplishments is probably chronological. But you can also try formatting it in a way that emphasizes jobs you’ve had that are particularly relevant- by type.What Should You Say?Be as honest as possible about what you’ve done and where you’ve worked, but, with that in mind, emphasize your particular skills and expertise as strongly as possible.If you don’t have a white-collar background with fancy managerial positions, that shouldn’t matter. What matters most is your professionalism, how you conducted yourself on the job, and how much you have grown. Showing your record of acting  responsibly and accountably, with excellence and integrity, will do you a world of good.  It’s still a â€Å"professional† background even if you feel your job is not fancy.Go Beyond Just Paid JobsRemember to include training and education- which are more than just academic credentials. Any certifications or skills training or onboarding you’ve acquired in the course of your career are relevant and quite important.Remember, how you look on paper is only the first step. Your resume is a partial summary of your professional background. Use it to get in front of a hiring manager or recruiter, and then expand upon the bullet points while you have the face time.And keep in mind: when an interviewer asks you to tell them about your professional background, remember that they want more than just a chronological list of jobs that they could read straight off your resume. Present yourself professionally, and your background can provide the extra boost you need.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Advertising - Essay Example By the calculated market value, it was declared as the 17th largest company in the world. It is also the largest mobile phone service provider in the world with more than 100 million customers around the United States (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. 2001). The markets in which the company is working are diverse inside the United States. The major regions of operations are California, Nevada, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Connecticut. The founder of the company is Alexander Graham Bell who found the corporation after his invention of telephone. Initially its name was set as Bell Telephone Company. Under its subsidiaries, there was a company which was known as American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) which was incorporated in 1885. It acquired Bell Company in 1899 and the main name was set up as AT&T Company instead of Bell Company. After this major acquisition, AT&T attained the monopoly services of telephone in United States by further opening the subsidiaries of company throughout the countries. For a long time period, it remained a monopolistic market leader in telephone services in United States of America. After a long time of enjoyment the monopoly, the US regulators required from the company that they must break their monopoly by turning the whole company in to smaller region based companies individually (John, P. & Watson, W. P. 1986). The new companies were named as Bell operating companies or som etimes they were referred to as baby bells. Because of the act of breaking up, the parent company had to face heavy competition that opened the door for flexibility and creativity in the telephone services in United States. It cleared the new avenues to get the services of telephone more creatively. The competitive edge of the above listed product portfolio provides the main stream points upon which American Telephone and Telegraph Company has earned highest market share. It provides highest